With the holiday season coming up, gift giving is on my mind. But in addition to the gifts, do you give the wrapping a second thought? What if you are trying to be green? What if you have limited funds? Well, there is something you can do. You can make your own recycled gift boxes.
Now what I have in mind are smaller gift boxes. Think gift cards, jewelry, a few pieces of candy, or maybe a sweet handkerchief. If you want a recycled option for wrapping a chainsaw… well… that is another post.
I use something that I have on hand or more specifically, save just for this time of year. Holiday cards from the previous season can be turned into gift boxes. For the most appealing packaging, select a card with a pretty design or graphic near the center of the card.
Using a ruler mark the dimensions of the completed box size which includes the amount folded over to create the sides of the box. For instance, if the card you select is 6″ x 4″, you can mark (on the under side of the card) what you want the size to be… perhaps 5″ x 3″ or perhaps 4″ x 4″. Now measure from those points inward (towards the center of the card) a uniform measurement such as 1/4″, 1/2″, etc. This amount will be the height of the sides of the box. In other words, the depth of the box. Be sure that all sides are uniform otherwise the box will be lopsided.
Now using a sharp pair of scissors, cut along the outer measurement. Next fold along marks you made for the depth of the box. (Fold inwards towards the center of the card). At each corner, use scissors to cut from the edge of the card up to a fold line (this should look like a small flap). You will have four cuts that will now allow you to fold, creating corners. Either tape or glue the flap to secure each corner.
Congratulations! You have just created the top of the box.
Use the remaining large portion of the card to create the bottom of the box. Repeat the previous steps, but decrease the measurements by 1/8″. Example: 4 7/8″ x 3 7/8″. Remember, you want the top of the box to fit over the bottom of the box.
This project is a fun way to create custom boxes for small items, and it doesn’t cost you a dime. You can recycle cards from previous years and turn them into pretty gift boxes that don’t require wrapping paper. (And if the boxes are created from fairly substantial paper, you can reuse them year after year).
So sit down with and get ready to make this family friendly project. Involve your kids by having them select their favorite cards. They can help measure and mark the dimensions.
With the holidays around the corner, you have plenty of time to create your own custom gift boxes. Have fun!
thecontentedcrafter says
That is a lovely idea! I made recycled gift bags from newspaper last year and they went down such a treat – I may make some more! Here’s a link to the post if you are interested https://urbanoveralls.net//paulinekingblog.wordpress.com/2013/11/29/gift-bags-from-newspaper/
urbanoveralls says
Thank you. Oh… and I love the idea of making gift bags from newspaper. That is so clever. Thank you for the link.
quarteracrelifestyle says
urbanoveralls says
Thank you. It is fun to make these little guys. We have a bunch that have been used for years.
kathy & deb says
Love this idea!! Thanks for sharing a new use for old Christmas cards. Usually I just cut them up for tags or to decorate packages that I mail presents in.
urbanoveralls says
Thanks! They really do make cute boxes. I tend to save the larger cards specifically for making these.
Deb says
This is just way too clever! Love it!!! Thanks for sharing with the Farmgirl Friday Girls!
urbanoveralls says
Thank you. We love making these cute, decorative boxes.
Rachel Steward says
Great idea! Creative, easy to be done and green!!! Thank you so much for sharing it!
urbanoveralls says
Thank you. We try to be green with our gift giving.