Do you have a chicken coop? Whether you have been keeping chickens for years or are just getting started, most people will say yes. (This is definitely the case in urban settings where municipal codes require predator-proof coops as part of their chicken ordinance.) But if you ask them if they have a chicken […]
All Creatures
Bees: Feeding Pollen in Early Spring
Early spring marks an unsettling time for beekeepers. The weather can fluctuate between winter conditions to a gorgeous short-sleeve type of day. We worry. Have the bees survived the last round of cold weather? Is the hive strong? Are enough plants blooming to provide food for the brood and the rest of the colony? Now […]
Quick Guide to Crushing Eggshells for Chickens
Eggshells. We have them. Anyone who eats eggs (not the pour-from-the-carton-type-of-egg) has them. And if you eat eggs regularly, they can add up in a hurry. And sure, there are sources that cite “10 Best Ways to Use Eggshells” or “Save those Shells for Projects”, but have you ever seen the process on ‘how-to- crush’ […]
Winter Benefits to a Covered Chicken Run
For backyard chicken keepers, winter can present some interesting issues. Chickens are wrapping up their molt. There is reduced egg production due to short days. Cold temperatures can freeze waterers, chicken combs, and even eggs. But one thing that most of us have to deal with (to varying degrees) is snow. Believe it or not, […]
A Beginner's Guide to Getting Chicks
Winter is the time of year, when a person’s mind begins to wander. Sure, there are the usual distractions: chocolate, seed catalogs, French press coffee, gardening tools, and the newest mold-ripened cheese at the local deli. But for some people, their minds can only find rest once they place their chick order. Whether you are […]
The Anatomy of a Langstroth Hive
During the cold months of winter, I look forward to catalogs. Oh sure, there are the collection of seed magazines. Big, bold, color pictures with luscious descriptions tempting enough to cause me to get out my credit card. Daydreams of making more room for yet another variety of tomato or perhaps an heirloom bush bean. […]