It begins this time of year in early spring. You may glance over your shoulder or try to peer around hedge. Could one be over there? Nope. Just a grouping of brown leaves. Wait… what’s that noise? The hum of a motor? An overhead light buzzing? You ponder staying indoors for the next month or […]
Natural Finish for Beehives
Keeping backyard bees is one of my greatest pleasures. Sitting on the patio with a cup of coffee in hand, I watch their comings and goings daily. Foraging bees return with water, pollen, and nectar. Departing bees head out in a direction based upon the dance they watched in the hive. In spite of the […]
Fall Beehive Checklist
For beekeepers, fall signals an end to all of the work of summer. But for those who live in regions that experience winter, there are still a few more tasks to do before settling down with a cup of tea in front of the fireplace. Remember, you actions now will help your bees survive the […]
Creating Solitary Bee Hotels
For folks across the country, September heralds the change of season. Hot summer days are replaced with pleasant temperatures and cooler evenings. Leaves are showing the first blush of fall color. Warm season crops such as peppers and tomatoes are still producing. And the bees foraging in the garden are making a final push to […]
Getting Started with Package Bees
Spring is an exciting time for beekeepers. If you have existing hives the workers are busy gathering nectar and pollen while the queen is laying eggs. But if you just starting out or lost your previous colony of honey bees, it is the time that package bees arrive! Before you order package bees, do your […]
The Best Way to Reduce Yellow Jacket Robbing
Ah, glorious spring. What a hopeful time of year for beekeepers. Winter is releasing her hold, giving us moisture in the form of rain rather than snow. Temperatures are warming and early season plants are just starting to bloom. Insects are emerging, namely bees foraging for nectar and pollen, but there is another, less friendly […]