As someone with a horticulture degree, I understand that weeds are just a part of gardening. They come up every year, whether they are wanted or not. Their presence mars the lawn and they compete for water and space in my vegetable beds. Each week, weeding appears on the list of regular yard/garden maintenance. But […]
Weed Control: Does Vinegar Really Work?
Weeds. They are the bane of a gardener’s existence. While there are non-organic, commercial grade products on the market that are effective, what is a gardener to do if they want to use organic methods? Sure… there is weeding by hand, but that is quite time-consuming. Surely there have to be other options. One product […]
Gardening: I'm Dirt Tired
Gardening season is well under way. Plants are in the ground, seeds are sprouting and mother nature is giving us weather that we dreamed about during cold snaps in winter. Even weeding is taking place daily. What more could a gardener ask for? The answer my friends is sleep. Days start early to beat the […]
Trellising Hops in the Backyard Garden
One plant that is vital to the craft beer industry has made a successful transition from commercial fields to backyard gardens. It is the humble hop vine. Not only do they enhance the landscape with their distinctive appearance, but their sought after cones wind up in the kettles of home-brewers. Hop vines need plenty of […]
Spring Cleanup:What should I Do?
Early spring. It is full of hope and promise. Birds are returning from their winter homes. Snowstorms are subsiding. Daytime temperatures are warming. Greenhouses are filling with plants. Wishful thinking and daydreams are occupying gardener’s minds. But as gardeners, we know that one big task is just on the horizon. In fact, it is THE […]