Homesteading is an adventure. It can provide a sense of fulfillment and be a source of pride. On a homestead you may find the following: animals (for food), vegetable gardens, fruit trees and/or shrubs, compost system, assorted outbuildings to contain/protect tools/equipment, as well as someone who has some skills that are often associated with days […]
True Confessions
You Can Recondition a Cast Iron Pan
Not too long ago I did something terrible to a well-loved cast iron pan. Believe it or not, I forgot to turn off the stove after I made a meal and the pan sat on the burner. For hours! Yes folks, it is time for another true confession. While I would love to say that […]
Argh! Weeds! A True Confession
As someone with a horticulture degree, I understand that weeds are just a part of gardening. They come up every year, whether they are wanted or not. Their presence mars the lawn and they compete for water and space in my vegetable beds. Each week, weeding appears on the list of regular yard/garden maintenance. But […]
I Confess: My Garden isn't all Planted
Spring is here in all of her glory. But she went from winter temperatures to those of summer. Where did the pleasantly mild weather go? That is my grace period of final garden bed cleanup, dutifully applying compost, weeding, planting, and mulching. These days the warmer weather is loosening my tongue and sapping my motivation. […]
Death, Weeds, and True Confessions
Social media sites are packed with gorgeous photos of thriving, healthy plants. Blossoms are vibrant. Delicate fronds are graceful. Fruits and vegetables are blemish-free. Rows are surveyor-straight. There isn’t a single weed in sight. Everyone has a green thumb but you. You envy those photos and hang your head in shame. Your thoughts turn to […]
10 Steps to Prevent Food Waste
Modern refrigerators are a wonderful thing. They have many more features compared to models used by our grandparents: automatic ice makers, water dispensers, water filters, slide-out drawers, and side-by-side refrigerator/freezer convenience. One other feature that may not be immediately noticeable is the size. Refrigerators are so much larger compared to those made 50 years ago. […]