I love southwestern cuisine. The complex flavors. The spiciness. The heat. One such item that has those characteristics is the humble jalapeno. Sure… we love it diced into salsas. Roasted with a cream cheese filling. And of course… it is a must in some of the green chilis that we create. Heck… even pickled, it […]
Green Tomato Wine 101
At the end of harvest season, gardeners typically make one last harvest before the first freeze. One item that folks generally end up with is green tomatoes. Now there are a variety of things you can do with green tomatoes: make chutney, fried green tomatoes, mock apple pie, or simply store the tomatoes and let […]
Better than Store-Bought: Homemade V-10 Juice
I grew up on my mom’s canned tomato juice. All that was in the jar were garden raised tomatoes and salt. She canned it by the dozens of quarts in late summer. There was enough for our family of eight to last us through the fall, winter, and even into early spring. Besides being a […]
Making Mead: Liquid Gold in a Bottle
As urban homesteaders, we keep bees; two hives to be precise. Two hives for two people is more than enough honey for a couple to eat. If conditions are right (good nectar flow and ample pollen) we can harvest approximately 90 pounds of honey. Even if we gift honey to friends and family, eat fresh […]